Fortified Vs Natural

In the modern world, everyone seems to be shifting to tetra pack milk owing to the hygienic packaging and extended shellfire in most cases. But what exactly is the tetra pack? Tetra pack milk is pasteurized at high temperatures (145 degrees Celcius). Though pasteurizing helps get rid of most of the harmful bacteria and other microbes it also leads to the loss of the majority of the vitamins and minerals present in the milk. This milk is therefore fortified in order to replace the lost nutrients - there is nothing natural left.  Having fortified milk is as good as having supplement pills and tablets.


Tetra pack cartons have a multi-layered packaging that protects the milk for sunlight, air, microbes, etc. These cartons are not biodegradable and cannot be recycled making them non- environment friendly.


No doubt that tetra pack milk has a much longer shelf life but in my opinion consuming fresh, non-fortified, preservative-free milk is the way to go.


“You are what you eat “ -  If you eat healthily you stay healthy.


I came across Drupe almond milk a few months ago. Putting aside that it is a great dairy alternative to dairy products, Drupe uses CPP bottles, these are biodegradable and unlike tetra packs, the milk is not fortified - that means it is not only great for the environment but also great for our body retains all the natural nutrients!


Keeping in mind the major disadvantages of the tetra pack, we must be smart and shift to better alternatives.

Pratik Chandak

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