Success is Notional – Story of Meeta Madhok Build a home or build a brand Drupe ; it’s on you at the end of the day, which is the lead actor in any journey, any action. Remember, we need to brush our teeth daily, use the bathroom daily, put in the same effort day in and day out, whether building a home or a brand. Once the home is ready, we need to maintain it, clean it, hire staff, delegate. The key is to be able to delegate, and that comes from trust. To trust others, we must trust our own capabilities. Never chase success. Just make each day productive and better than the previous day. There is no end timing; it’s not a time-bound test paper and needs to be graded. No pressure. Your concept/ project/ product must have a purpose. Always ask can others benefit from this? If the answer is yes… then never forget why you began the project. Faith is everything. Never give up. Somehow money will come if you have all the above three points in order. How was your University time? We had mandatory commission bill riots during my college days, and colleges were closed for over 6-8 months. I had a friend’s wedding in London to attend, and they all wanted me to carry beautiful Indian suits to wear for India’s wedding. I launched my suit business that year but gave it up after two years as I wanted to do an MBA and get married and have a baby. I never gave up. I restarted from where I had left after 22years after my daughter grew up. Of course, I moved with the changing time and started a venture which satisfied me as a customer first. My daughter and I are lactose intolerant. What was your first job or nuggets from jobs you had that helped you get to where you are today? My first job was at Ever Ready Batteries during my MBA, and that job taught me never to give up. Union Carbide had caused a huge loss of life in India with a catastrophe famously known as the Bhopal Gas Tragedy, and they were banned in India. Still, they wanted to fix things, help families and came into India yet again as EBC. I learned early in the day what competition meant as I was lucky to have witnessed Duracell and Eveready’s healthy fight. How did you prepare for the interview? I always follow the fourth point – Faith and i wear confidence more than clothes. Can you provide some book recommendations? Philip Kotler was My Gita then, and now My Gita is by Dev Patnaik, and not to mention I have dabbled into writing in my free time, and my book is available on Amazon “without the gazing mirror.” Things are changing very fast in the industry; how do you keep yourself updated. Please list techniques or newsletters, podcasts, events, etc. Honestly i stay away from news. Listen to your inner voice while creating products especially if you are wanting to innovate. Any advice about CVs? Fortunately its the video call world. CV should be one paragraph about you and your achievements. Advice for someone looking for a job? Chase an industry which you enjoy the most. If you can be one of the customers then its that much easy and it all rolls. Why do you think you were selected among other candidates? My confidence and mostly i have been a customer first then an employee. Lessons from jobs that you couldn’t get. I got them all as i live with faith. Tag few friends/colleagues whose story you would like to see them share their story. Aneesha Madhok My Daughter Source:
howigotjob / September 8, 2021Drupe is a self-funded registered startup under innovation and has recently won the STARTUP INDIA Innovation and PETA(People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) India award. All our products are Vegan and cater to a health-conscious consumer who understands the drawback of Dairy, Sugar, and Salt. we won the best vegan milk award. PETA: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals(PETA) is an organization who talks and cares about animal rights. PETA is a world-level organization that works worldwide for animal rights, and It has 9 million + members and supporters globally. The branch of PETA that is active in INDIA is known as PETA India. PETA works through educating people about animals rights, investigating, reporting, research, animal rescue, legislation, special events, celebrity involvement, protest, and campaigns. PETA India’s 2019 vegan food awards As we told you above, PETA organizes several special events to spread awareness about animal rights. PETA India’s 2019 vegan food awards are one of the special events of PETA India. In this award show, PETA India aims to educate people about Vegan food and recognize the best of the best country’s vegan food. Vegan food is a plant-based food product. In this event, PETA India has awarded Almond milk to meatless meat, a plant-based food product. If you look around, you realize that consuming meat, eggs, and dairy is mainly responsible for animal suffering on a massive scale. Through this event, it’s clear that India’s vegan dining options are more prevalent, innovative, and delicious than ever before. Drupe Foods India Pvt. Ltd. Drupe Foods, a self-funded registered #homegrown startup under innovation, manufactures the finest Almond Milk under the brand name Drupe! Our expertise lies in making our product preservative-free. Drupe Foods India Pvt. Ltd. has spent years in research. The human body does not need lactose milk, though fermented dairy (yogurt & cheese) is ok to consume. We went back to History and understood why most of the grandmothers in ancient days soaked seven “almonds” overnight. They did so to help the brain stay alert. CINNAMON ALMOND MILK Drupe Cinnamon almond milk is the product for that Drupe got the Best Dairy-Free Milk award in PETA India’s 2019 vegan food awards. Specifications of Cinnamon almond milk Cinnamon Power Almond Milk made from Organic Almonds, Cinnamon, and Dates. This Keto-Friendly milk contains No Preservatives and is Lactose-Free, Gluten-Free, and Zero Cholesterol. Serve chill; Shake well before use and safe for consumption for children and adults. This almond milk is rich in anti-inflammatory compounds and hormone-free. It boosts your immunity. Unlike other almond milk, Drupe Almond Milk is tasty as it is made with the whole almond and its skin for the extra fiber and loads of antioxidants for you and your family. We also have some other dairy-free products that are good in test and contain the best nutritional values. To check out our other product, click here.
DrupePower / November 22, 2019Delhi-based entrepreneur Meeta Anand Madhok’s start-up produces almond milk that caters to the lactose intolerant At the age of 42, she decided that she had been on too long a break and it was time again to give wings to her dreams. Encouraged by her daughter—rather as she says pushed into doing something—Meeta Anand Madhok, an ex-advertising professional, entered the big bad world of start-ups. This entrepreneur started from scratch and set up her own almond milk plant in Noida. Why almond milk suddenly, one would ask. Says Meeta, “This idea came to me three years ago. I was in Los Angeles with my daughter for quite some time. She got me hooked on to a very healthy lifestyle that comprised gluten-free products and of course products like almond milk.” When she was about to board the flight back home, her daughter goaded her to reclaim her life—to do something that would fuel her ambition. On getting back to Delhi, Meeta tried to stick to her old LA routine. She soon realised that the products she had taken for granted in the US were still not available in India. Or at least, not in that pure form. One of them being, almond milk. This prompted her to start her own plant—Drupe Foods India Pvt Ltd—that exclusively caters to the lactose intolerant in our society. “I set up the plant in November last year and we started production in June. From importing the custom-made sterilisation equipment for the bottles, to even getting the right kind of material for the bottle that would be able to bear the sterilisation process, it all required enormous effort.” Meeta invested `8 crores in her passion—partly savings from her job, and a bank loan. But for her, the one uphill task was to explain to officials what exactly is almond milk and almond butter to issue the certificate for the plant and the product. She had to literally define the category. The Noida plant has a capacity of producing 6,000 litres of almond milk a day. Currently, it makes only about 400-500 litres a day. Meeta stresses that her product is for the niche category. But this hasn’t stopped Drupe from making its presence felt in Bengaluru and Chandigarh markets, besides, of course, Delhi. The USP Drupe Foods markets its products with a three-month shelf-life and makes it a point to pick up unsold bottles back from the market when one month is still left. She then distributes these bottles—which still have a good one-month shelf life on them, to NGOs and orphanages. The Noida plant has a capacity of producing 6,000 litres of almond milk a day. Currently, it makes only about 400-500 litres a day How is Drupe different? Even before she set up her plant, Meeta was sure of one thing—she will not resort to any additives. Staying true to her word, her products are completely natural—in the true sense of the world. She adds date syrup for sweetness and naturally sourced cinnamon, vanilla, and cocoa for flavouring. Drupe offers almond milk in three flavours, besides almond butter and date syrup. The products are just good quality almonds with its skin on for added health benefits, pure date syrup with no added sugar or honey, vanilla used from blow-dried vanilla pods, naturally grown cinnamon, and of course, cocoa beans. So, Meeta says, it’s health to the maximum. Source:
The New Indian Express / May 28, 2019Are you lactose intolerant then you are born half vegan. Dogs and to a certain extent Humans don’t have enzymes to digest dairy. Lactose is a sugar found in milk and dairy products. The small intestine—the organ where most food digestion and nutrient absorption takes place—produces an enzyme called lactase. Lactase breaks down lactose into two simpler forms of sugar: glucose and galactose. Dairy products that are “reduced-fat” or “fat-free” generally have slightly higher lactose content. Most Vegan people also keep away from Gluten which is a glue that holds food together. The most popular Alternate Milk amongst the who’s who is now a rich mans milk made from almonds. Whether you’re a vegan, sensitive to milk or have a gluten allergy, almond milk is a fabulous alternative. There are three kinds of Almond Milk packaging available in India 1)Cold Pressed is heavier to digest and expensive. It is not sterilized. It requires refrigeration and has a 7 to 21 days shelf life and the almond skin is discarded, available in glass or pet bottles 2)Tetrapak is a carton packaging, pasteurized at 145 degree Celsius with a one year shelf life and all natural nutrition evaporates with high heating, hence it is fortified, so its like drinking a glass of water with synthetic pills. 3)Drupe is made with whole almonds along with its skin and sterilized at 100 degree Celsius keeping the natural nutrition intact and is available in CPP bottles which have zero migration( its the same material used for infant feeding bottles) and has no preservatives with a 4 month shelf life and requires no refrigeration. According to the Vegan Society, a recent survey proves that veganism is now the “fastest growing lifestyle movements”. Did you know India is the third largest obese population in the world? Natural foods advocate Meeta A Madhok has a remedy for the nation’s obesity epidemic that doesn’t involve radical “dieting,” pharmaceuticals or surgery. How proper nutrition can provide good health, beauty and wellness, both physically and spiritually. Drupe Foods founder advices all those who want to be healthy, “Please fuel the body in a sustainable way while finding more joy in the experience of eating. I hear people complain about the cost of Almond Milk vs Cow’s Milk but they forget that there is no comparison between a plant based milk and animal milk. Plants do not carry hormones which are in animal milk. “When you consider the lifetime benefits of healthy eating, choosing better food and making the time to prepare it is such a small investment”. Drupe is the first natural real almond milk manufactured in India in bottles with no preservatives, sugar or additives or any artificial flavouring substance. Drupe foods founder & COO Meeta A Madhok says “ As these techniques degrade the food’s nutrient content and original flavor. Sugar might make it tastier but it brings our immunity down by 50%. Sugar attaches itself to the protein, This molecular action causes loss of elasticity in our body and accelerates aging. Sugar impacts behaviour in children by raising blood sugar and giving a quick energy boast, sending a message to the brain to prepare for an attack releasing cortisol and adrenaline and making children hyper. It takes the place of important nutrients hence not allowing the body to consume essential nutrients, children are given sweet flavoured milk and they are the ones who need the maximum nutrients for growth”. Madhok’s inspiration comes from Dr Raymond Francis from his book ‘Never to Be Sick Again’. The benefits of adopting a lifestyle of eating raw & natural by giving up gluten & sugar, it increases one’s metabolism & improves our emotional wellbeing too. Subscribe to the idea that prevention is better than cure. Change our “way of eating” rather than a short term strategy to alter body composition. As providing the body with nutrient- dense plant based fresh food or nut milk is an overlooked method for improving a person’s quality of life, people rather choose Botox over Detox! Drupe Foods India Pvt Ltd is a registered start up and has set up its 6000 litre per day almond milk manufacturing plant in Uttar Pradesh, supplying to The Oberoi Hotels for the newly launched “ Healthy Vegan Breakfast selection as they promote healthy lifestyle. She proudly calls it “The new white Gold of India, in times to come it will be a platform for other smaller vegan start ups to partner & sell their products on” Source :
Inventiva / May 28, 2019Every year more and more people are making the decision to go vegan, and for good reason! There are so many amazing ways that veganism can improve our lives – fantastic health benefits, less stress on our environment, more efficient ways to use our resources, and many more! There are so many unique reasons someone might choose to adopt a vegan lifestyle. When thinking about transitioning to veganism it’s important to ponder your morals and the reasons why this lifestyle speaks to you. A big lifestyle change is easier to sustain if you wholeheartedly believe in your decision. Think about the standards you hold yourself accountable to, and what guides you as you decide what is right and what is wrong. Because milk is derived from cows and other such herbivorous animals, milk is a no-go for vegans, even if it’s organic or direct from a farm. The reasons for not drinking milk are, in fact, quite similar to the reasons people choose to become vegetarian: animal rights/welfare, environmental reasons, and health concerns. But as we all know milk is a supplementary diet for all food. For an infant milk is considered as a whole food and the entire life of an infant is dependent on milk. So what to do if you are a vegan or a lactose intolerant person? The solution is Drupe Foods. Drupe Foods is a startup based out of Noida and a subsidiary of Drupe LLC, USA. Drupe Foods is a one stop shop to a vegan healthy milk and sugar alternative food products to overcome obesity in India. Today we are presenting the exclusive interview of Founder of Drupe Foods, lets see how her venture is helping Indians to stay fit and diabetes free. Let us learn about their entrepreneurship journey and what this wonderful startup has to offer in their own words. Source Link :
Inventiva / May 28, 2019The New White Gold of India Consumers of dairy products would not be able to call themselves vegans. Once reserved for peace-loving hippies and now an entirely animal-free diet, Veganism has come a long way and is at an all-time high, with celebrities like Bill Clinton, Alicia Silverstone, Jennifer Lopez and Beyonce leading the charge. If someone is lactose intolerant then they are born half vegan. Dogs, and to a certain extent, humans do not have enzymes to digest dairy. Lactose is a sugar found in milk and dairy products. The small intestine; an organ where most food digestion and nutrient absorption takes place, produces an enzyme called lactase. Lactase breaks down lactose into two simpler forms of sugar: glucose and galactose. – Dairy products that are ‘reduced-fat’ or ‘fat-free’ generally have slightly higher lactose content Most vegan people also keep away from gluten which is a glue that holds food together. The most popular alternate milk amongst the who’s who is now a rich man’s milk, made from almonds. Whether anyone is vegan, sensitive to milk or has a gluten allergy, almond milk is the most favoured alternative. According to the Vegan Society, a recent survey proves that veganism is now the fastest growing lifestyle movement and India, being the third largest obese population in the world, must adopt to healthy eating. Natural foods advocate, Meeta A Madhok, has a remedy for the nation’s obesity epidemic that does not involve radical ‘dieting’, pharmaceuticals or surgery and how simple and proper nutrition can provide good health, beauty and wellness, both physically and spiritually. Drupe Foods Founder, Meeta A Madhok, advices all those who want to be healthy, “Please fuel the body in a sustainable way while finding more joy in the experience of eating. I hear people complain about the cost of natural food or almond milk vs. regular milk or gluten-free products but these same people don’t think twice about their cell phone bills, expensive cars or alcohol,” she says. “When you consider the lifetime benefits of healthy eating, choosing better food and making the time to prepare, it is such a small investment. ” Drupe is the first natural real almond milk manufactured in India in bottles without the use of preservatives, sugar or additives or any artificial flavouring substance. Drupe Foods India Founder and COO, Meeta A Madhok says, “As these techniques degrade the food’s nutrient content and original flavor, sugar might make it tastier but it brings the immunity down by 50%. Sugar attaches itself to the protein and this molecular action causes loss of elasticity in the body and accelerates aging. Sugar impacts behaviour in children by raising blood sugar and giving a quick energy boast, sending a message to the brain to prepare for an attack releasing cortisol and adrenaline and making children hyper. It takes the place of important nutrients, hence not allowing the body to consume essential nutrients, children are given sweet- flavored milk and they are the ones who need the maximum nutrients for growth.” Madhok’s inspiration comes from Dr. Raymond Francis’ book ‘Never to Be Sick Again’. The benefits of adopting a lifestyle of eating raw and natural by giving up gluten and sugar, increases the metabolism and improves one’s emotional wellbeing too. Subscribe to the idea that prevention is better than cure. Change the way of eating rather than a short-term strategy to alter body composition. As providing the body with nutrients, dense fresh food or nut milk is an overlooked method for improving a person’s quality of life but people rather choose Botox over detox. About Drupe Foods India Pvt. Ltd.: Drupe Foods India Pvt. Ltd. is a registered startup and has set-up its 6,000 litre per day almond milk manufacturing plant in Uttar Pradesh. Madhok recently launched her brand ‘Drupe’ offline and online in Indian modern retail chains, and She proudly calls it, “The new white gold of India; in times to come it will be a platform for other smaller vegan start ups to partner and sell their products on Source Link: / May 28, 2019