Drupe Almond Milk
Drupe Almond Milk is not only a decadent substitute for milk but it is also a great source of Protein, Antioxidants, Vitamin D, Potassium, and Calcium. It’s very nutritious and easy to digest. Healthy Choice!
Do you know humans are the only mammals that drink milk after nursing? We’re obviously also the only mammals that drink from other mammals and have Hormonal Imbalance too!
Our Power Story
Drupe Foods India Pvt. Ltd. has spent years in research. The human body does not need lactose milk, though fermented milk (yogurt & cheese) is ok to consume. We went back to History and understood the reason why most of the grandmothers in ancient days soaked seven “almonds” overnight. They did so to help the brain stay alert.
We at Drupe Foods, a self-funded registered #homegrown startup under innovation manufactures the finest Almond Milk under the brand name Drupe! Our expertise lies in making our product preservative-free.
We use 200ml biodegradable bottles with zero migration, easy to grab and go, no sharing size. Our product can be stored at ambient temperature for 9 months. Its innovative double sealing keeps the almond milk fresh and tastes so good with more than 20% almonds in a single bottle it is truly your power dose!
At Drupe, we are committed to educating people about the many benefits of a vegan lifestyle. Healthy milk substitutes, especially almond milk which is not fortified, and 100% natural nut milk has more calcium than regular milk and is hormone FREE. As most Almond Milk brands get their texture and body by using thickening agents and additives adding to their synthetic taste. The richness of Drupe Almond Milk comes simply from almonds and a handful of Dates!
Drupe - Powerfully Natural and Delicious...
Drupe Almond Milk is not fortified as its 100% natural. Fortified products are synthetic and equivalent to consuming medicinal vitamin pills.
Drupe Almond Milk is available in CPP bottles. CPP is the raw material used in manufacturing infant feeding bottles. These bottles have zero migration when steamed not damaging product nutrition. Tetrapak packaging requires high temperature pasteurization, hence the natural nutrition of the product evaporates.
Drupe Almond Milk is sterilized post filling, at a temperature where natural nutrition stays intact. The induction sealing of the bottle also helps maintains shelf life. It is made from fresh almond paste and mixed with alkaline water, which helps maintain the product PH level. Drupe Almond Milk has No preservatives.
Drupe Almond Milk has 16-35 calories and is extremely low fat, easy to digest. It is available in 200ml bottles, 4-5bottles can be consumed daily for maximum health benefits. Its a healthy milk.
Drupe is manufactured in India. No thickening agents are added in Drupe Almond Milk. Just like the soup at home is thinner than the soup available in a restaurant.
Drupe Almond Milk Pure Cocoa flavor is favorable by children. It has no sugar, hence its extremely healthy. Sugar is Ms evil and kills immunity by 50%. #saynotosugar #shareadrupe #drupepower